October is one of my favorite months. It's still sort of warm outside, it's not dark too early, and it's a month before my birthday. Years ago, while I was writing for a newspaper, October became known as breast cancer awareness month for me. I interviewed celebs who represented Lee's Wear Jeans to Work Day to raise awareness, and others who headed up events like Take-A-Hike.
This year, I plan on dedicating the month to breast health. I will be looking at how nutrition and exercise play into breast health, as well as highlighting positive groups like Feel Your Boobies. Oh, and um, feeling my... well, you know.
Feel Your Boobies is a breast cancer non-profit organization whose mission it is to create an annual reminder campaign to get young women "feel their boobies". They believe that women who might be adverse to doing monthly checks, or even learning how (thinking that it will never happen to them) might see a FYB shirt on someone on a plane or in the mall, and just think, "What the heck!" and feel their breasts.
The organization was founded in 2004 by Leigh Hurst, a breast cancer survivor who was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer at age 33. She discovered the lump, not through a self-breast exam, but just by 'feeling her boobies'. Noticing lumps or changes in the feel of your own breasts can very well save your life.
I don't like to jump on bandwagons, but this one is just so wonderful that not only have I jumped, but I'm asking you to do it with me. Visit the FYB website, and click Create A bOObicon. Make it tasteful and fun. Or get bossy. Then post your photo on whatever social network you're into, or turn it into a t-shirt or postcard (available through their website, that then brings you to zazzle). Go ahead and be the reminder that might someday save a life.
I'd love to see your created boobicon. Please share it with me by emailing it to me at tiffany@bellafitnessforwomen.com. National Feel Your Boobies Week is October 9 - 16.
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