Each year, we meet new people and experience new things. For me, the year has brought little change and lots of stability on a personal level, for which I am grateful. Professionally, I took a continuing education class called Lifestyle Fitness Coaching, which allows me to be a better trainer, and to help my clients work through any resistance they may have in regards to exercise and healthy eating.
In addition, I am proud to have just received my Holistic Fitness Specialty certification. I learned about somatic awareness and the importance of finding different ways to work with the body, including breathing exercises, yoga poses for specific concerns, and how all those things benefit the body. I also learned about the three doshas of Ayurvedic medicine: vata, pitta, and kapha, which is very exciting for me.
As we move into 2010, I ask you to rethink making a resolution. Many people make them, and then revert back to old behaviors shortly thereafter. For a while, I stopped making them, thinking, What's the point? But now I believe that taking this time and using it as a space to renew what matters most to you, then committing to making a change, is a very special opportunity. This New Year's Eve falls on a blue moon, which seems wonderfully auspicious. So if you think that your healthy eating or solid hour of exercise happens only once in a blue moon, now's the time. Give yourself another chance to make the change you've been putting off.
Making a new year's resolution is simple:
1. Think about what you truly want, and the best and most practical way of reaching that goal.
2. Write it down. Be specific. Instead of "I want to fit into my old jeans" write, "I want to lose 3 inches of my waist, and an inch of my thighs" or "I want to lose seven pounds, in seven weeks, one pound per week, and maintain that new, lighter weight."
3. Include the how-to. Again, be specific. "I will eat every three hours, and my snacks will consist of celery sticks, apples, cottage cheese, and yogurt. I will eat lean protein and always have a leafy green with my lunch and dinner. I will drink 8 oz. of water every hour."
4. Post your resolution up in more than one place, somewhere that you can see it and read it often. Be proud of your decision to change, and make it something you will stick to.
Here's wishing you and your family and fabulous and healthy 2010!
And if you need a trainer (hint, hint), you know who to call.
Tiffany Palisi is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor, with advanced study in pre- and post-natal training. She is a certified SPINNING instructor, and Holistic Fitness Specialist, and holds her CPR/AED certification. She is the owner of Bella Fitness for Women. She can be reached at (973) 809-7880 or tiffany@bellafitnessforwomen.com.