This past week, I have been in the house with my son who is sick. I am unable to go anywhere unless necessary (like the doctor), which includes the grocery store. For the past few days, my boyfriend, and my son's two grandmothers have been bringing me things, as needed. A couple rolls of toilet paper, yogurt for my son, ice pops, tea. But yesterday, I realized that I don't actually need anyone. Not for groceries, at least.
Here in New Jersey, a grocery store called ShopRite offers a delivery service. You basically go online, shop for exactly what you want (down to the brand), and schedule a delivery time. While there is a fee (about $15), it is worth knowing that you can ask for everything, not just ice pops and soup for the child in need, but hummus, strawberries, and other luxuries. And I feel better that I am not inconveniencing anyone in the process.
However, as I was picking things for my shopping list, I realized that this might be a great way for people to eat healthier. If you only order what's on your list, and you keep your list clean, well then that's that. If I walk into King's Supermarket, I may be tempted to pick up some of the Godiva chocolate that they just put on sale, or buy a hunk of cheese that is being sampled. I may grab a pack of bacon, or some olive oil soaked sun dried tomatoes. However, if my list says, "1 Earthbound Farms organic mixed baby greens, 5 Stonyfield Farms whole milk vanilla yogurt 6 oz.", then that's what I will get. While the delivery fee isn't minimal, it saves me the money I may have spent on impulse items (that I am not exposed to online).
It's really worth checking out. I am sure other grocery stores do it, nationwide. You can check "no substitutions" if you only want a certain brand, or organic, whatever. But I highly suggest to put in your notes, "check expiration dates" because while I did get my whole order, my 32 oz. yogurt had expired 10/31.
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